High school student studying at home.

Cultivating Good Study Habits

The students of today are more technologically-advanced than many of us were at their age. With the internet at their fingertips, they have plenty of resources at the ready. We are all conditioned now to Google an answer when we need it. That is a luxury. But, of course, it has its downfalls. Today’s students may not have the skills to form sustainable study habits. Especially when most of their learning happens on a computer.

So, how do you influence your online student to create strong study habits?

Minimize distractions

This is key! Especially for online students. Computers, tablets, TVs and mobile devices are all distractions. But, for students that rely on these devices to learn, they must figure out how to lessen distractions. 

Illustration of a phone on do not disturb.Encourage your student to turn their mobile devices to “do not disturb” at times when they need to focus. Other options include turning their phone on silent, flipping it over to avoid seeing alerts, or placing it out of sight. If their work doesn’t require an internet connection, they may also disconnect from the WiFi.

For additional help, try downloading an app like Freedom, Cold Turkey, Forest, or RescueTime.

For some students, eliminating digital distractions altogether may be the most effective solution. Have your student try taking notes in a notebook or print out a study guide and rely on the good old pen and paper.

Set goals

Goals are a powerful tool to keep you motivated. Whether it’s a time-based or content-based goal, this can help your student stay on track. They may set a goal of studying for an hour or to review a certain number of lessons. Whatever they choose, make sure that they take regular breaks to avoid burnout. 

Study according to your learning style

There are many styles of learning, from visual to auditory to social. Every student retains information in their own way. If your student is having trouble studying, it may be because they aren’t presented with information in a way that suits their learning style.

Most students won’t absorb information solely from a textbook. For some, note taking is the best way to take in information. For others, they may find that engaging with the content in another way is most effective. 

For many learners, it’s beneficial to reiterate the lesson in their own words. This can increase their understanding of a subject and help their brain hang on to information. Methods include writing summaries, creating study guides, or saying the information out loud as if they were teaching it to someone else. This is also known as active studying.

Infographic of learning styles.

A student’s learning style will affect how they study, where they study, and what study aids will be most effective. When your student determines their learning style, they will be able to come up with methods that are best suited to them.

Connect with a support team

At BlueSky, our support staff is unparalleled. All students at BlueSky have a dedicated team of staff to support them in their academic and social emotional success. BlueSky teachers, advisors, counselors and social workers strive to engage students in learning. Teachers adapt their lessons and assignments to different learning styles. We meet the unique needs of each student through constant communication and encouragement. Students are always encouraged to contact their support team whenever needed.

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