When Traditional Middle School Isn’t Working

When Traditional Middle School Isn’t Working

Some middle schoolers struggle with the day-to-day demands of traditional school and long for a different environment, when traditional middle school isn’t working for your student, online school might be a perfect alternative. Your student may be feeling over or underwhelmed by their lessons or classes; with a very general curriculum, many students either feel…

Every Student Has a Story

Every Student Has a Story

“We realize that all of our students have a story.” Casie Hammel knows the stories of our students well, and she knows that in order to give students a positive learning experience, these stories should be recognized. Having over 12 years of experience in education and working with families of all different backgrounds, Casie has…

College visits 101

College visits 101

Ahh, the Fall season is officially underway! Can you just smell the pumpkin spiced lattes? Fall isn’t just about earth tones and sweater weather, however, it’s also the time of year when our seniors are thinking about their next step after graduation. For those who are considering colleges, an important part of the decision-making process…

Tips for Reducing Stress

Tips for Reducing Stress

Tips for Reducing Student Stress For students of all ages, too much stress can lead to compromised academic performance, poor relationships, and, left unaddressed too long, even risk behavior, substance abuse, and chronic mental and physical health problems. While choosing online school means that certain stressors typical in traditional schools (like peer pressure, bullying, or…

How to Turn Your Social Media Interactions from Negative to Positive

How to Turn Your Social Media Interactions from Negative to Positive

How to Turn Your Social Media Interactions from Negative to Positive By now, you’ve probably heard the term “FOMO,” which means “fear of missing out.” Thanks to social media, FOMO is more prevalent than ever, with everyone feeling the pressure to participate in activities they can then post on Snapchat and Instagram. This emotional burden…

BlueSky Receives 2018 Values Driven Award of Excellence

BlueSky Receives 2018 Values Driven Award of Excellence

BlueSky Receives 2018 Values Driven Award of Excellence BlueSky Online School is this year’s Minnesota recipient of the 2018 Values Driven Award of Excellence. The prestigious award comes from AdvancED Midwest Region, the largest community of education professionals in the world, and goes to innovative educators in each region. As part of the honor, BlueSky…

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